Friday, 25 January 2008

Are Women Really Superior to Men?

While doing my search for this idea, I came across something interesting on the web. At a hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where a family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and serious.

Surveying the worried faces, the doctor said, "I'm afraid I'm the bearer of bad news. The only hope left for your loved one at this time is a brain transplant. It's an experimental procedure, very risky, you will have to pay for the brain yourselves."

The family members sat silent as they absorbed the news. After a great length of time, someone asked, "Well, how much does a brain cost?"

The doctor quickly responded, "$5,000 for a male brain, and $200 for a female brain."

The moment turned awkward. Men in the room tried not to smile; avoiding eye contact with the women, but some actually smirked. One man, unable to control his curiosity, blurted out the question everyone wanted to ask, "Why is the male brain so much more expensive?"

The doctor smiled at the childish innocence and said to the entire group, "It's just standard pricing procedure. We have to mark down the price of the female brains, because they've been used."

Keeping all kidding aside, let’s answer this age old question; evaluate what we know up to this point, scientifically as well as culturally. Are women really superior to men?

Now research is confirming that the brains of men and women are somewhat different. Studies show that human male brains are, on average, approximately 10 percent larger than female brains. Certain brain areas in women, however, contain more nerve cells.

We must pay special interest on the amount of “gray matter,” the part of the brain that allows us to think. The researchers wanted to know if women have as much gray matter as men or more to make up for the smaller brains. Later, it was proven that women have 55.4 percent gray matter, vs. 50.8 in men.

Men listen with only one side of their brains, while women use both, according to information on brain imaging presented in November 2002, at the 86th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

Other research suggests that on average the female brain performs better on some skills, while the male brain executes other tasks at a higher level.

It makes sense that brains vary between the sexes. Each sex had a very defined role in ancient time, which helped ensure the survival of the human race. Cave men hunted. Cave women gathered food near the home, and cared for the children.

None of these show superiority, but does show that we are made differently, with different needs, and different ideas. Why do we then compare for superiority, or even expect the other to be just like us?

It is important to realize that man and women are made differently, for a reason. Especially women, need someone she can talk to, share her ideas with and grow with. Man need to hunt, to protect, not ask for directions when they are lost, or I should say just be Men.

In old times, especially in Asian and Eastern cultures, women had many disadvantages (compared to now). Male Emperors would marry many women. Society did not provide woman with many rights. Women were pretty much confined to their homes. However, despite of these disadvantages, there were few women who had access to that woman wisdom, or power. Now, what was the difference between those women, who found their power, vs. those who did not?

The answer is synergy. These powerful women were each other’s support. No jealousies, no putting other women down; just supporting each other to the best of their ability. In fact, when the male emperor would mate with one of his wives, other wives would take care of that wife ahead of time. Give her massages, feed her wonderful and healthy foods, talk to her, and provide her with all the emotional support that was needed.

Today, women have more rights, more freedom, better living conditions. They are lot more aggressive, but they still do not feel as empowered, peaceful and in control.

In today’s society, the concept of women bonding is pretty much lost. Even when a woman goes to different feminine organizations, her goal is networking, improving her business, and benefiting anything and everything, but herself.

If you pay close attention and realize that the difference between a plant, which is alive, and a plant which is dead, is the plant which is alive, is growing. In order for our children to survive, and humankind to flourish in the future, our children must evolve beyond us. In order for them to go beyond us, they need to understand life from all points of view, both male and female. That is why we are here, to teach, to guide, and to help the universe expand and evolve with our differences.

One day I was flipping TV channels where I came across one of those shows where a priest was giving a sermon. He asked something very interesting to his congregations. The question was, “What is the best thing a father can do for their children”? The answer was “Love their mother”. Now this is something I have learned all through my life in my family as to how much powerful a woman can be. I do not mean physically or even mentally. In fact, I grew up learning that my brothers were much smarter and stronger then I was. But there was always this converse of women power or women wisdom, which was always talked about, but was never clarified.

Many women do not realize that their superiority and strength comes from bonding with other women. Man can’t full fill all of your needs and desires. When it comes to emotional bonding, which usually comes from talking, sharing and connecting, girlfriends are the key. Cherish your friends, and specially your women friendships.

Both Man and woman need to be supportive and a source of strength for each other, but timing is the key. Women who have other women to bond with, to share with, to educate and grow with, have more peaceful marriages. These women do not desire to talk to their husbands as soon as he walks into the home, tired from work. In fact, they become source of strength and support for him.

More then half of the marriages end up in divorce in this country. Some time it feels that all the advancement are coming to us with a hefty price. More and more women find themselves helpless, in one form or the other. All it boils down to is that all the power and freedom did not come with the wisdom it required. Woman before us got us the power to move forward, now, it is our responsibility to add wisdom to this power before passing on to our next generation.

The difference between man and women are logical. It makes sense that brains vary between the sexes. Men tend to be more natural-born protectors while women are natural-born nurturers. When women use these natural abilities to form, cultivate, and foster business relationships, they can create lasting business associations in the business circle.

To answer the question, are women superior to men? The answer is, it does not really matter, if we choose not to use that power and wisdom already given to us. From the beginning of the time, only a handful of women are using their full power and wisdom. They understand, and choose to learn and choose to use their strengths. Whether you are a at-home mom or a working women, understanding and connecting with other woman, educating ourselves and truly supporting each other, will help us be who we naturally are, phenomenal women.

Are all Men Unfaithful?

“Men are all the same. Stop looking for Prince Charming, Dreamer!”

“We just can’t commit to one person! I Loooove Women!”

“I can’t help it! Women want me!”

“I almost went with this co-worker of mine years ago, and I feel some kind of regret today that I haven’t done it…”

“Caroline, I have an active sex life with my girlfriend. I look around because of the thrill of the chase!!!”

I hear this all the time…... I am sure that you have heard this once also. It is frightening. Maybe my actual boyfriend has been unfaithful and I just don’t know about it or I didn’t see the signs… or didn’t want to see the signs.

But why is it that so many men jump the fence? Is it because of an unsatisfying sex life? Or is it for that quest of lost Infatuation? Is it by perversion?

Another one of my friend thinks that I am too hard when I say that “Men” are “The” unfaithful ones because she says that it also takes another woman at the other end. She has a point. However, I observed that it usually occurs with a single women longing for loving and not sure if she really wants to leave her fabulous single life to settle down in a “white bread” relationship.

So, what is it then?

Yes, there are those Men who are just afraid of commitment. The only way that they reassure themselves that they still have that “Freedom” or “Masculinity” is by sleeping with someone else. Period. This has nothing to do with the level of quality of the relationship that they are currently involved in. Some need a higher dose of “Freedom” then others. Anyhow, who wants to be with a man who always is looking to prove to himself that he is “Free” or he is indeed a “Man”?

Also, there is the element of “opportunities”. Statistics have proved that the more the person is beautiful, in the standard of a community, the more the incidence of being unfaithful is increased.

Does it mean that we should only date Ugly people to reassure our insecurities?

I think not. Be aware that if you find someone beautiful, there are at least 15 other people out there who finds your mate attractive, whether he or she has a die hard body or just with a “few pounds to lose.” Beauty is within the eyes of the beholder.

The infidelity rate is slightly higher towards Women then Men. I was surprised when I read that but it actually does make sense. Women become dissatisfied easily compared to Men. And the dissatisfaction can be much more complex then a man can understand or fulfill. Also, women being part of an essential part of the work force, opportunities are more frequent then when they use to be homemakers.

Selfishness is also another indicator of your level of devotion. Selfishness does not care about the feeling of others and that feeling exits in the present only. It is an immature behavior that we are supposed to have evolved from at the teenage age. Think about it a little bit: when someone is unfaithful, in the moment, that person doesn’t think at all of the consequences or how the partner might feel!

I would say that, in the end, it is the commitment and the level of respect for yourself and your partner that determines if there will be less chances of infidelity within your relationship. With openness and caring of the feelings of your partner, you will be able not to be tempted by that chick at work, or that overly nice and somewhat handsome colleague at work.

So look for that person with a noble heart, a high level of maturity, who demonstrates admiration, respect and generosity towards you. This is a clear indication of a healthy shield towards temptation.

After The Engagement Now What?

Your minds in a whir all the things you need to do to have that perfect wedding. You begin to panic everytime you think of the planning ahead of you. Your mind is going a mile a minute with ideas and plans what to do when to do it, so many questions, so little time. First don’t get ahead of yourself. Before doing anything you should grab a pen and paper and follow these simple steps.

First you need to make a list of the things you need to discuss with your fiancée. Don’t go any further until you’ve done this. Although you might be inclined to rush out and start planning. Remember this is his big day too, and he should have a say in the planning of it.

You’ll need to discuss:
• the maximum amount your going to spend
• How many people your going to invite
• How you are going to finance your wedding
• What type of wedding your going to have – big, small, formal, informal
• How many people will be in your wedding party

You'll need to make some time to meet with both sets of parents to further discuss the items above. You need to find out how much, if any the parents will be able to contribute to your costs. You’ll need ask them to make a list of who they want to invite - get them to make the list from most important to least important, that way if you need to cut guests you know which ones to cut.

Next set your wedding date. Most wedding facilities advise booking 6 months to a year in advance. You’ll want to take into consideration the time of year you plan to get married, any holidays, vacations, or family events that might not work with your date. Once you’ve determined a date that works for your bridal party and family members, as well as yourself, you can move ahead. It never hurts to have a couple of date options

Now you can get those creative juices flowing. Your wedding should fit both your style and your fiancée’s style. Will it be a trendy wedding, traditional, beach, park?? Get ideas from bridal magazines, books, and the internet which has a wealth of free information available. Start a scrap book. Add items and ideas you like to the scrap book. Then you can use your scrap book for reference as you start to fine tune.

The more organized you are the easier it will be to plan and the less stressful it will be. Keep a day timer of what you’ve done and what needs to be done on or before specific dates. Make to do lists and as you complete tasks scratch them off your list. Be sure to keep your list up current. You might want to buy a wedding management software package or print style. There are some great choices available!

Your wedding is the beginning of a whole new adventure in life. Make the planning an enjoyable part of that planning by being prepared.

A cigar box purse or handbag is a unique fashion accessory with a touch of old world charm.

There’s an unmistakable charm about a cigar box purse or handbag. Neat, petite and elegant, and decorated with romantic, quaint and quirky images from a bygone era, these design gems are becoming increasingly sought after fashion accessories. You can buy cigar box purses and handbags made from real cigar boxes, or they can be decorated with just about any image you can imagine, including classic movie stars, fashion photographs, dancers, animals, flowers or abstract designs. If you shop around online, you’ll find a huge range of cigar box purses and handbags, many of them uniquely designed and sold by the artist who created them. You can even have a cigar box purse or handbag custom made using a favorite image of a pet, a special place, person or thing, or perhaps a cherished old photograph of a great aunt or grandmother taken in a bygone era. Any image is suitable, so long as it’s your own, and there is no copyright existing in the photograph or artwork. Or if you’re particularly creative, you could even make the purse or handbag yourself.

Making your own cigar box purse or handbag.

It’s very simple to make a cigar box purse or handbag yourself, and you’ll have the satisfaction of having something which is absolutely unique. A handbag or purse you’ve made yourself also makes a lovely gift for someone special. You can buy a simple wooden box, or a real cigar box if you can find one, some paint and lacquer, and the hinges, corners, handle and clasp from purse hardware suppliers which you’ll find online. Of course, you’ll also need a photograph or piece of artwork to use on the box. Choosing an image, a color scheme and purse hardware pieces which work together artistically is great fun, and very satisfying when it all comes together. It’s a very simple job to paint the box, glue on the image, cover the whole thing with a few coats of lacquer, then attach all of the purse hardware components.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Accentuate Your Looks With The Right Purse

We're positive that no matter how you see yourself -- trendy, corporate or casual -- your ultimate goal is to look "together" - to look beautiful and elegant in your poise and style of clothing and accessories. You spend hours looking for the right outfit and analyze it many times over to make sure it perfects and gives you that eye catching look. But do you give that same time and scrutiny to your accessories like your purse and handbag before throwing it over your shoulder and leaving the house?

You probably didn't know that a purse can flatten your curves almost as much as the right pair of pants or shirt. Now that we have your attention read on to determine your shape and what type purse you should carry.

Try to choose a purse shape that is the opposite of your body type. While the shape should oppose your body type for maximum flattery, the size of the bag should be in proportion to your figure. If you are tall and thin, look for the large sloppy bags that lay against you to compliment your figure. If you're short and voluptuous, play off opposites by choosing a handbag that is tall and rectangular or long and sleek.

Most women look great with a bag that hits mid-torso because it flatters the waist.

Take a look at the five basic body shapes and find the best purse for your shape:

• Narrow Top/Full Bottom

If you have full hips or tummy and small top, draw the eye up with accessories. You should carry a bag with short straps that fits snug under your arm.

• Full Top/Narrow Bottom

If the fullness you carry on top is unwanted (some do pay for it, you know) turn the area into a "no man's land". Nothing should cause the eye to linger so draw the eye downwards by carrying long slouching bags.

• Hour Glass

If you got it girl, flaunt it! This shape best describes a woman who is balanced on top and bottom with a defined waist and is considered the ideal body shape. You can carry off anything—lucky lady!!

• Narrow/Top to Bottom

If you are naturally thin, you have always faced the challenges that come with dressing this body shape. If you are unnaturally thin -- by choice -- you probably, prefer to show it off. The key is to add dimension to your profile. Don’t choose a bag that will hug the body too much. Think unstructured, bulky type purses. Try anything with horizontal detail in the patterns.


In general, the rounder your figure, the more structured your purse should be. For this body type, shape and color is important. Colors should be muted, monochromatic is best and prints should be kept to a minimum. Draw the eye to the top or center of the torso with a mid-length strap.

Now you know the right purse for you! Always remember to try on the bag—just like you would clothing and shoes. Remember that where the purse touches your body, that part of your body is accentuated. For example, if the purse is under your arm against your breast, the eye is drawn up to the bag.

So take the time to look for the right purse for you—it’s not always the same purse that your best friend carries. A purse should not only carry your personal belongings, it should add to your style and looks.

8 Things That Make Not The Lady

1. Tattoos.

Tattoos used to be the colouring of soldiers, sailors, mafiosi and punk rockers. About ten years ago, they became fashionable. The lower-middle classes started taking them up. Unfortunately, unlike last years' shoes, tattoos can't be taken to the thrift shop and disposed of.

To a certain class of person, tattoos are 'cool'. To another, they are a graffito on the temple of the soul. They mark a woman definitively as lower class, alienated, depressed, and a bit daft. They're also a handy way to identify one absolutely to the authorities. Which shows how stupid some crooks are.

The same goes for piercings. My family are farmers. I associate nose rings with bulls, and piercings with cattle tags. They are a haven of dirt, infection, and their openings look unsightly.

With tattoos and piercings, before you've opened your mouth, you've already typed yourself to people you meet.

2. Highlights and streaks.

Are you blonde, or brunette? Make up your mind! These might have been novel ten years ago. Now they just look common. Not all gentlemen prefer blondes. A healthy head of untinted brunette or raven dark hair is a pleasant novelty these days.

It is true that blondes have more fun. I used to be one! Most people on the planet are dark. A non-blonde with blonde hair looks 'interesting'.

Now this fashion is done to death, however. If they're doing it in Romford, it's buried!

3. Big hoop earrings.

Unmistakably part of the wardrobe of the gypsy. Which is fine if you are one. Strangely popular. Perhaps they're to make the wearer's head look smaller. Add them to the features above, and an unattractive type emerges.

4. Binge drinking.

Binge drinking, squawking and falling over in the street is hilarious if you are the one doing it. If you are the spectator, it's less so.

5. Visible G-string.

This is erotic, no doubt about it. Unless you haven't the figure to pull it off. Likely to provoke a reaction of 'Mother of G*d!' when adorning the pasty, blemished buttocks of the 'full-figured' young lady. Bad diet, no exercise, five-pints-a-night, then 'peek-a-boo!'. Agggh!

I used to wonder why so many saucily-dressed young ladies walked the streets hatchet-faced. Now I now. Half are trying to ward off unwanted vulgar advances from men, the other half are annoyed they're not getting any!

There's nothing sexy about contrived, blatant eroticism. What's erotic is what seems to be an accident. 'A glimpse of stocking is something quite shocking' etc.

Likely to irritate female co-workers also. Assuming your company allows such clothing. It doesn't? I wonder why?

6. Swearing.

Your gentleman friends might find this amusing, to your face. What they think in private is another matter. Habitual swearing is another sign of a depressed, angry person. It's unattractive. The more you do it, the more it corrodes your subconscious.

7. Breast Augmentation.

Also known as a 'boob job'. These look fine, from a distance. Compared to a natural pair, they look odd. They are to real breasts what a transexual is to a 'red hot mama'; no competition. Up close, they're just not as good as the real thing. A perfectly functional piece of equipment has been turned into a cartoon joke, with possible long-term medical consequences.

Some men like small breasts. Beauty is a matter of proportion. Some women are neurotic about their appearance; nothing will please them.

A good example is ...

8. Disappearing Eyebrows.

They get plucked away to nothingness, then get drawn or tattooed back in. And this is better? One can end up looking freakish, even clown-like. Loss of hair suggests illness. Plucking out one's hair is often a sign of mental illness. Girls, desist! Don't try to gild the lily!

7 Tips for Beautiful Skin

For most women, part of their morning and evening routines involve a skincare regiment of applying cremes, moisturizers, tonics, lotions, and the like. Why do women put themselves through this? To combat the signs of aging, and to maintain youthful looks and beautiful skin! However, how many women consider what is in the products they are using?

Some women probably do not realize that what they are putting on their skin may actually be undermining what they are trying to prevent to begin with. In fact, the average woman puts twelve products on her skin daily, most of which contain harmful chemical preservatives. Dr. Myron Wentz, founder and chairperson of USANA Health Sciences has this to say about beauty in the June/July 2005 issue of the "USANA Health Sciences" magazine: "Some say that beauty is only skin deep. Nonsense! I believe that true beauty is a reflection of true health, and true health begins deep inside each and every cell in the body. But true health and true beauty have an outer component, which is why we require protection from environmental insults such as solar radiation, pollutants in our environment and the drying effects of air. . . The fact is, you simply cannot contain a healthy body if your skin isn't healthy. And your skin can't be healthy if your are subjecting it to toxic substances that are ultimately absorbed into your body."

So, what can women do? How can they combat environmental pollutants, the affect of solar radiation, and the drying effects of air? How can they be sure they are using the very best products on their skin so they can be healthy inside and out? Here are 7 tips to assist in this process:

1. Be very aware of what is in skincare products. Use products that are all natural as much as possible.

2. Look for products that contain Dermal Surface Renewal Technology. DSR smoothes away existing signs of aging such as laugh lines, crows feet, and dullness.

3. Use products that have regenisomes. Regenisomes penetrate the skin to speed cell renewal after sun exposure. They also use the light of photosomes to undo sun damage, and have ultrasomes to renew skin while sleeping.

4. Find products with Proteo-C and Proflavonol-T. These two vitamins protect the skin from premature aging caused by the sun, pollution, and other environmental factors. They also provide advanced nutrition to the skin to keep it appearing smooth and firm.

5. If possible, use products that are paraben free. Parabens are synthetic chemical preservatives that are widely used in personal care products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair styling products, make-up, facial masks, skin lotions and creams, and deodorants. They also are typically found in baby lotions, shampoos, and other personal care products for infants and children. In addition, parabens are in many foods and pharmaceutical products. Researchers are beginning to find parabens in benign and malignant human breast tumors. While some studies have challenged their toxicity in many products and question their long term affect on humans, using products that are paraben free can eliminate the risk of exposure to this harmful chemical.

6. Drink plenty of water! Water hydrates skin and hair as well as flushes toxins out of the body.

7. Limit stress or learn to manage it effectively. Stress is harmful both emotionally and physically. Find that stress reliever activity that works best and use it on a daily basis!

Monday, 14 January 2008

5 Insider Beauty Secrets Other Women Don’t Want You To Know! - Part 1

Imagine what you would do if you knew miracle working beauty secrets. And if you had the self confidence that comes with being beautiful.

Now before you laugh and say you’ll never be beautiful, listen up.

I know where you’re coming from! At one time I didn’t know any beauty secrets. Before I learned any beauty secrets I was plain, even bordering on ugly.

I had acne, chapped lips, weight issues, wardrobe disasters, and not so white teeth. But thats all become past with the 5 beauty secrets that have changed my life.

I pulled through all of my beauty nightmares and learned some valuable beauty secrets as a result.

Now people are always commenting to me on my beauty. Saying I should be a model, etc.... And guys are no longer even an issue! I don’t have to look for them, they come to me.

It turns out the best beauty secrets are those that are won by personal knowledge and experience. Not just by reading general tips in magazines.

So by experimentation over the years and by perseverance, I’ve found out what really works and what doesn’t.

Beauty Secret 1
Unchap and beautify your lips with this technique.

For soft, beautifully kissable lips, you need the following: a washcloth (I’m not kidding either), warm water, and your favorite brand of lip balm.

First you apply a coat of lip balm. Then wet one corner of the washcloth, put the warm wet corner of the washcloth between your lips, press them together and hold for 5 seconds.

Then gently massage any remaining lip balm from lips with the wet corner of the washcloth, and dry lips with a corner thats dry.

Apply lip balm again to keep your lips chap free. You may also apply lipstick or lip gloss on over the layer of lip balm.

I learned this was the best way to keep lips from chapping, after going through too many winters with dried, and chapped lips.

Beauty Secret 2
Clear your acne, and get beautiful skin.

For clear glowing skin, a little home remedy does wonders for my complexion, as it should with yours too.

Steam your face for 20 minutes every night after washing it, then every other night after steaming your face, massage a half teaspoon castor oil over face.

Leave it on at night while you sleep and wash off immediately upon waking.

Steam face for twenty more minutes in the morning after washing. When you finish steaming your face splash your face with cool water and dry it.

If your skin starts to show any signs of a pimple forming. Take one night off from steaming and applying castor oil and apply Benzoyl Peroxide over face.

Take the next night off also from the steaming, castor oil, and benzoyl peroxide. Continue facial regimen with steaming and castor oil the following night.

This beauty secret will moisturize your face at the same time it will help clear up acne and pimples. But only if you work at it consistently.

Beauty Secret 3
Good taste in clothes.

When shopping for clothes try to stay away from really big prints, or weird mixes of colors (eg. green, pink and blue flowers combined on a white background, for instance).

Clothes like these just scream “I’m color blind!” And if you in fact, actually are color blind, always shop with a friend who isn’t and has good taste in clothes.

Buy basic colors. Solid reds, pinks, blues, whites, and blacks. Or things with small tasteful prints and designs.

Then mix and match each basic color with a corresponding one (blue goes well with white, pink, and sometimes with red, and different shades of the same color almost always go well together).

Put these beauty secrets to use, and start seeing the benefits today. Be sure to read Part 2 of this article, which contains the last 2 beauty secrets.

In Part 2 I'll teach you the beauty secrets for whitening your smile without draining your bank account. And how to use clothes to your advantage by hiding figure flaws and defects.

5 Insider Beauty Secrets Other Women Don’t Want You To Know!

By far one of the most important of our beauty assets is our smile. Who can resist an enigmatic sparkling white smile?

You also can’t hide yellow teeth like you can most other physical defects. So you should always be sure your smile is at it’s best.

Perfectly straight teeth aren’t always necessary either, so if you couldn't afford braces or retainers as a teen don’t worry too much.

Some of the most beautiful women I know (and even myself), have never worn braces in their life. And have small imperfections in the straightness of their teeth.

Even some famous actresses have teeth that have obviously never worn braces (think Amber Tamblyn, Kirsten Dunst, Kristin Kreuk).

And yet they still manage to be amazingly beautiful because their teeth are well cared for, and shine like pearls.

So how can you make your smile enviable without spending a fortune at a dentists or on teeth whitening products?

Beauty Secret 4
Whiten and brighten your smile.

For this little beauty secret you use two household items that are rock bottom cheap to buy; Baking Soda, and Peroxide.

Yep, thats how simple it is.

You take the baking soda and peroxide and you make a thick paste out of them. You shouldn’t need more than a tablespoon of the paste.

Apply the paste to teeth, and leave on for 5 to 10 minutes every morning and night.

The most effective way to do this, and brighten your smile, is by brushing your teeth with the paste. But remember that it will only work if you use it every morning and night, without fail.

Baking soda and peroxide will not only whiten your teeth but clean them too, if you use them in place of toothpaste.

Then just sit back and watch the results!

Your smile will become visibly whiter, and to boot you’ll save a bundle on toothpaste, and teeth whiteners.


Don’t you always hate it when summer rolls around, and your body is hardly swimsuit or shorts ready?

Or even the rest of the year when it seems impossible to disguise those figure flaws!

Beauty Secret 5
Hide figure flaws and defects.

If you are pear shaped:

Wear tighter tops to show off your trim upper body, and skirts that taper towards the hemline to disguise your pear shape.

Buy jeans that are a snug fit and are low rise (the low rise will emphasize your small waist and the tightness has a surprisingly slimming effect on legs and butt).

Dresses that end just a little above the knee work nicely for pear figures as they hide bulky upper legs.

The best swimsuits for pear figures tend to be bikini’s that have low cut bottoms with a flounce skirt. This draws eyes away from the legs, and minimizes them at the same time.

If you are spoon shaped:

Wear shirts that tend to fall straight down and don't cling, to hide a bulky stomach.

Or wear a snug t-shirt with a button up shirt or sweater over it, leaving the buttons unfastened on the shirt or sweater.

Wear shorts and skirts that are short to emphasize your good feature (your legs).

The best swimsuit for women who are big on top and little on bottom is a full piece that is high cut in the hips.

This hides the stomach, and shows of slender legs and buttocks.

If you are an extremely skinny woman all over:

Wear skirts that flounce out and shirts that ruffle to give you a more rounded appearance.

Wear semi loose dresses that are cinched only in the right spots.

For instance emphasize a small waist with a dress that is cinched in the middle but flounces out from the hips to give a curvy appearance.

Wear snug jeans, or loose slacks with a pull over sweater, these will both work well for your figure type.

The best swimsuits for skinny women are of course bikinis. Full pieces give slender women a “little girl” appearance, and are not very attractive.

The bikini’s are best if they’re high cut in the hips and butt. This flatters a thin woman best by showing off her waist and legs.

Low cut bikini’s will also work well with a skinny woman though, if you want to emphasize slender hips.

If you’re a large woman all over:

You should go for just slightly loose fitting clothes. Too loose and you’ll only make yourself appear bigger.

Wear panty hose to make your legs look slim. Avoid overly tight clothes at all costs, this will make your skin roll, and you’ll look bigger than ever.

Choose mainly capri’s and knee length skirts or dress for summer. Avoid shorts, mini skirts, or short dresses until you slim down.

The best swimsuit for a full figure is (you guessed it) a full piece, cut low in the hips, and with a skirted bottom.

If you’re a curvy woman (also known as an hour glass figure):

You can wear almost anything you choose to and look good; loose slacks, snug jeans, loose shirts, snug shirts, loose skirts, snug skirts, dresses, bikini’s, full pieces, etc...

So be proud of your figure and choose your clothes with some taste to best show off your unique shape.

Now that you’re armed with these beauty secrets, go out and put them to use. You’ll definitely start to turn heads, and command a respect in people wherever you go.

Because, remember it’s not the shape of your body, or face, or the size of your nose or lips or eyes, that denotes beauty.

It’s the proud way you carry yourself, and the neatness, and good taste with which you pick your clothes and accessories.

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